> And not all subs return things, like "say" and "print".

say and print return true if the print succeeded, just like in perl 5.

> say say "hi";



Useful if printing to a filehandle, and the file you're writing to is on a
volume that fills up. Or a network drive that goes away. You do check for
those, right?


On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 7:21 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> >> On 04/10/2018 03:07, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>
> >>> In another thread, Timo wrote me:
> >>>
> >>>         The "-->" part of the signature is optional. If there isn't
> >>>         one, it defaults to Mu, which is the type that everything
> >>>         conforms to, i.e. the sub or method that either has "--> Mu"
> >>>         explicitly, or has it by leaving it out, may return
> >>>         absolutely whatever it wants.
> >>>
> >>>         After all, the "-->" part is a constraint, and it gets
> >>>         validated at compile time every time a sub or method
> >>>         returns.
> >>>
> >>> I got to thinking, some routines do not return anything.  Without
> >>> the "-->" constraint, how am I to determine if something is
> >>> being returned?
> >>>
> >>> Yours in confusion,
> >>> -T
> On 10/3/18 6:44 PM, Timo Paulssen wrote:
> > I just spotted a grave mistake in my earlier mail:
> >
> > the --> constraints are validated at *run* time, not *compile* time;
> > that's a very big difference, and an important one. Of course "every
> > time a sub or method returns" doesn't make much sense if i had meant
> > "compile time", but I felt i should really point it out before causing
> > too much confusion.
> >
> Hi Timo,
> Thank you for the help over on the chat line with IN!
> My confusion is not that it returns something (Mu).
> My confusion is "what" it returns.  And not all subs
> return things, like "say" and "print".
> I am presuming I am to pick the "what" from context
> from the examples?
> -T
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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