The Perl6 regex system was simplified.
Instead you use the rest of Perl6 to implement those features.
Both inside and outside of the regexes.
(Which means there are fewer esoteric features that are rarely used, and
often forgotten or never learned.)

It might be best to just store the position at the end of the regex.

    use v6
    my $test = "      foo bar";
    my $pos = 0;

    $test ~~ m /^\s+  {$pos = $/.pos}/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($pos) /foo\s+  {$pos = $/.pos}/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($pos) /willnotmatch  {$pos = $/.pos}/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($pos) /bar   {$pos = $/.pos}/;

    say $/.pos; # yields "13"

If you want something a bit closer:

In here `\G` translates to `:pos($/.pos // $pos)` and `/c` translates to
`{let $pos = $/.pos}`.

    use v6
    my $test = "      foo bar";
    my $pos = 0;

    $test ~~ m /^\s+/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($/.pos // $pos) /foo\s+/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($/.pos // $pos) /{let $pos = $/.pos} willnotmatch/;
    $test ~~ m :pos($/.pos // $pos) /bar/;

    say $pos; # yields "13"

You could combine ($/.pos // $pos) into a function:

    use v6
    my $test = "      foo bar";
    my $pos = 0;

    sub pos () { OUTERS::<$/>.pos // $pos } # may defeat optimizations

    $test ~~ m /^\s+/;
    $test ~~ m :pos(pos) /foo\s+/;
    $test ~~ m :pos(pos) /{let $pos = $/.pos} willnotmatch/;
    $test ~~ m :pos(pos) /bar/;

    say $pos; # yields "13"

Note that in Perl6 regexes are code.
(They can have parameters and lexical variables.)

Personally I would just combine them into a grammar.

    grammar FooBar {
        token TOP {
            $<space> = \s+
            || <willnotmatch>
            || <bar>

        token foo { foo \s+ }
        token willnotmatch { willnotmatch }
        token bar { bar }

The || is to get the Perl5 semantics of trying them in order. It would
actually be better to use |.

Anyway the result is structured.

    say FooBar.parse($test);
    「      foo bar」
     space => 「      」
     foo => 「foo 」
     bar => 「bar」

You could get the same structure out of a single regex as well.

    $test ~~ m {
        $<space> = \s+
        $<foo> = [foo \s+]
        | $<willnotmatch> = willnotmatch
        | $<bar> = bar

I'm not sure if you want to include the space(s) after `foo` into `$/<foo>`.
But to keep it the same as the original I used `[]` to group `foo` and

On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 9:48 AM Raymond Dresens <>

> Hello,
> In the past few days I've been converting some "incremental parsing"-regex
> code from perl 5 to perl 6 (I haven't not touched grammars, yet...)
> In Perl 5 I often used the /g and /c modifiers so that the following
> snippet of code doesn't die:
>     # perl5
>     my $test = "      foo bar";
>     die unless $test =~ /^\s+/g;
>     die unless $test =~ /\Gfoo\s+/g;
>     die if     $test =~ /\Gwillnotmatch/gc; # ...what is the equivalent of
> the 'c' modifier in Perl 6?
>     die unless $test =~ /\Gbar/g;
>     say pos $test; # yields "13"
> I managed to translate such code in Perl 6, by using the "m:p/.../" regex,
> When I anticipate an unsuccessful match then I must temporarily store
> $/.pos and provide it to the next regex (e.g. "m:p($P)//"), so it seems,
> That works.... but it riddles my current solutions with "$P = $/.pos;"
> assignments.
> Is there a way to retain this match like in Perl 5?
> Is there a better way in general?
> ... perhaps it's time to look into grammars? ;)
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Raymond Dresens.

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