Thanks to Brad Gilbert's code contribution in this thread, I re-wrote
a small snippet of his code (code that incrementally checks a series
of regex matches), to have it return the last position of each match.
Testing with three 'matches' and one 'willnotmatch' returns three
positional values, as expected:

use v6
  my $test = "      foo bar";

sub foo($x) {
  state @a = 0;
    $x ~~ m /^\s+  {@a.push($/.pos)}/;
    $x ~~ m :pos(@a[*-1]) /foo\s+  {@a.push($/.pos)}/;
    $x ~~ m :pos(@a[*-1]) /willnotmatch  {@a.push($/.pos)}/;
    $x ~~ m :pos(@a[*-1]) /bar   {@a.push($/.pos)}/;
  return @a[1 .. *];

  #say foo($test); # returns (6 10 13)
  put foo($test); # returns 6 10 13

I'm actually pleasantly surprised that I can add a dozen or so
'willnotmatch' lines, and it doesn't screw up the result. The next
step might be to 1). pull the individual regexes out into an object
(as suggested in the SO post below) to simplify each smartmatch line,
and/or 2). store the results in a hash (instead of an array), for
later substring extraction. But at this point it seems I'm getting
into 'Grammar' territory, so that might be the better approach.

HTH, Bill.

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 1:08 AM Patrick Spek via perl6-users
<> wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Aug 2019 13:45:27 -0300
> Aureliano Guedes <> wrote:
> > Even being another language, Perl6 should be inheriting Perl5's
> > regexes or even improving it not making it uglier and harder.
> >
> > Or I'm seeing how to use it in an easy way. Also, dunno if there is
> > some GOOD documentation to Perl6 regexes.
> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While I'm much more proficient
> with PCRE than P6CRE, I do find the Perl 6 variants to be much cleaner
> and easier to understand when reading regexes of others.
> If you find that there's a lack of documentation explaining things
> clearly to you, that'd be an issue to solve in the documentation. This
> takes a lot of effort, and if you would be so kind as to improve it
> where you think it's needed, it would be a great help to everyone (we
> can't really see how or where you're looking for what, after all).
> --
> With kind regards,
> Patrick Spek
> www:
> mail:
> pgp:  1660 F6A2 DFA7 5347 322A  4DC0 7A6A C285 E2D9 8827
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