On Sun, 5 Jan 2020 18:27:01 -0800
Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:

> The normal Rakudo Star releases so far are compiled, [...]

For Mac and Windows, perhaps, but the release is similar as it always
was for GNU+Linux. And I'm mostly aiming for that since that's what I
use (and also what I can test). Hence, I need people to verify they can
make binaries for Windows and Mac (and actually do it as well) before I
can continue.

> If your version requires users to run a Makefile or make or cc or
> whatever or have a working C compiler, then it is a source release
> and not the same thing.

I never intended to make a "binary" release. I intended to make a
Rakudo Star release, and I personally don't care if that'd be a binary
or source. In the case of GNU+Linux, it's a source release.

With kind regards,

Patrick Spek

www:  https://www.tyil.nl/
mail: p.s...@tyil.nl
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