On 2020-01-13 17:13, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
And, no one is telling me percisely what the difference
between UInt and uint is other than one is a subset of
Int and the other is a native type.  They act exactly
the same.

Hi All,

Off line, Paul told me what the difference is
between a UInt and a uint.

uint is constrained:

    p6 'my uint $c = 0x0; $c = $c +| 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;'
    Cannot unbox 65 bit wide bigint into native integer
     in block <unit> at -e line 1

UInt uses magic Larry Wall powder to remove the constraints
from the variable.  (Same powder he uses to create nils.)

p6 'my UInt $c = 0x0; $c = $c +| 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; say $c' 862718293348820473429344482784628181556388621521298319395315527974911

Other than the constrains, they act exactly the same.
Oh, and they are both (generic programming term) unsigned integers (cardinals)



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