> On Oct 14, 2022, at 3:23 PM, Joseph Polanik <jpola...@charter.net> wrote:
>> The script Run/run_SequenceHelper.raku contains only the following lines
>>> use lib '~/Documents/myRaku/gitHub/SequenceHelper/lib';
>>> use SequenceHelper :ALL;


A possible piece of the puzzle is that your `use` line is silently failing,
because the `~` tilde character is not special to Raku.
Instead of:
    use lib '~/Documents/myRaku/gitHub/SequenceHelper/lib';
, you need either of these:
    use lib "%*ENV<HOME>/Documents/myRaku/gitHub/SequenceHelper/lib";
    use lib  %*ENV<HOME> ~ '/Documents/myRaku/gitHub/SequenceHelper/lib';

Therefore, the module you have been testing might not be the one you thought 
you were testing.

To demonstrate, notice that in the error message below, the first search path 
contains the literal "Junk/~".
    cd ~/Junk
    raku -e 'use lib "~/FakeDir"; use FakeModule;'
        ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
        Could not find FakeModule in:

Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray (Util of PerlMonks)

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