Oh yaa...kalau NII nya kaya' yang Bang Indi tulis ya kemungkinan besar ini NII yang salah dan saya juga sudah dengar...NII yang salah ini nggak akan mungkin menjadi besar .... NII yang salah ini pasti hancur dengan sendirinya....

Yang saya maksud dalam tulisan saya sebelumnya adalah "NII" (code uncode) .... atau apalah namanya....


> From: Indi Soemardjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: NII-phobic? Yes, I am.
> Date: 31 Desember 1998 7:43
> I just wished everybody would pay close attention to their political
> goals.
> I guess you have not heard much about them, ey?
> I just talked to several of my friends and they have felt the same way
> about NII's absolutism. One of them even resigned in 1991 after being
> told to steal money from his own parents (even his parents are regarded
> by NII as Kafir, and they also approved stealing from kafir). When he
> left the group, the NII leaders even called him a Murtad and threatened
> to kill him (because the Tafsir said so).
> You need to understand my point about their secrecy and their plans to
> create a new absolute nation under the Tafsir.
> Oh, one more thing: You cannot call me Islamphobic but you can call me
> NII-phobic.
> Let me know what you think of this matter.
> Indi

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