On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 03:13, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> > Would you please explain what the link is *supposed* to be??
> That is explained in the subject line.

See below.

> > Only thing I can get is a REGISTER FOR FREE page.
> You need to register with New York Times to read it. It's worth it.

I just registered.  Are you telling me to pay $2.95 to read the
interview with Michael Everson?  Couldn't you attach a one line
note: "Interview with Michael Everson"?  You consider yourself a
pro.  Don't you expect yourself such an explanation (something
more than the name of the article) from anyone posting links to
mailing lists?

> > A paragraph
> > explaining the link is not so bad when posting to the ml.
> See the subject line.

See above.

> roozbeh

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