Install gtkglext, it's got an example of how using Pango to
render internationalized text in OpenGL.  Simply pass your
Persian text and it will take care of all your rendering.


On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Ahmad Mouri Sardarabadi wrote:

> Salam,
> Man darhale neveshtam yeseri barname baraye estefadeye shakhsiyam ke az
> opengl estefade mikonan.
> man tavasote freetype(2) toonestam ke bitmap fonto baraye render dar opengl
> bedast biyaram ama baraye inkar ehtiyaj be estfade az shomareye daghighe
> harh arf az Arabic Presentation Forms B unicode hastam.
> soalam ine ke chetor mitoonam az tarighe digeyi mamande pango ya har systeme
> digeyi betore mostaghim az utf-8 shomareye monasebe fonto dar  Arabic
> Presentation Forms B bedast biyaram betori ke betonam mohtaviyate yek text
> ro az utf-8 dar opengl render konam.
> maslan agar tabeye man
> render_gl(char *font,const unichar *text);
> man az g_utf8_get_char_validated baraye taghire fomat az utf-8 be unicode
> estefade mikonam.
> chegoone agar maslan texte man ba harfe che 0x0686 shoroomishe cheye aval
> 0xFB7C ro peyda konam?
> omidvaram ke tozihatam baraye fahme moshkel kafi boode bahse.
> Ammsa
> PS. man dar zamine virayeshe text darin had kamelan bitajrobe hastam
> khaheshmandam ke dar soorate momken tozihat hamrah ba mesal bashand.
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