Some icons are old, others will be completed tomorrow, or does icon imply

On Jun 9, 2010 7:08 PM, <> wrote:

Here we go again - IS IT ACTIVE OR INACTIVE?

Icons are so old, they've often lost their appeal to wood destroying
insects.  In time the sugars turn to starchs.  What you're usually seeing is
old damage, frass, and galleries; especially if some of the finish or
surface has been scraped off in the past.  Powdered frass can drift out of
the piece as it is moved about.  I have yet to see actual activity in
ancient icons.  If an "old" icon has activity, it may be a forgery and of
more recent vintage.  Even old statuary covered in gesso often has old
beetle galleries and packed frass beneath the gesso, which is exposed when
some removes (or a tourist picks off) the gesso.

Tom Parker

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From: Appelbaum & Himmelstein <>
To: pestl...@museu...

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