I confirm it works better ! :D

But still failing with this kind of error:
processing file : /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc//docs/installation.html
if  [ "" != "" ]; then\
MATLABPATH=:/home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/share/petsc/matlab; \
          cd /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/share/petsc/matlab;  
-nodisplay -nodesktop -r "generatehtml;exit" ; \
Updating generated html files with petsc version, date, canonical URL info
find: unknown predicate `-o -type f -wholename 
share/petsc/saws/linearsolveroptions.html -prune -o -type f -wholename 
tutorials/HandsOnExercise.html -prune -o -type f -wholename 
tutorials/TAOHandsOnExercise.html -prune'
Try 'find --help' for more information.
Done fixing version number, date, canonical URL info

Not such a big deal, I will use the online doc (sometimes convenient to have 
doc when offline but this is not so important).


----- Mail original -----
> De: "Satish Balay" <ba...@mcs.anl.gov>
> À: "Karl Rupp" <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>
> Cc: "Franck Houssen" <franck.hous...@inria.fr>, "petsc-dev" 
> <petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov>
> Envoyé: Dimanche 16 Juillet 2017 18:37:32
> Objet: Re: [petsc-dev] How to generate doc locally ?
> On Sun, 16 Jul 2017, Karl Rupp wrote:
> > Hi Franck,
> > 
> > 
> > > Following, the online doc, I have configured PETSc with: ./configure
> > > --download-sowing --download-c2html
> > > 
> > > Now, I run:
> > > > > make alldoc LOC=/path/to/petsc
> And also PETSC_DIR should be set - and make should be invoked in PETSC_DIR.
> To be more precise.
> cd /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/
> make PETSC_DIR=$PWD LOC=$PWD alldoc
> Our docs are built daily - and the logs [for maint/master/next] built
> by bin/maint/builddist and available at:
> http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/nightlylogs/
> I see a couple of errors with master/next - so pushed fixes.
> Satish
> > 
> > that looks fine. There are also subtargets 'alldoc1', 'alldoc2', etc.
> > available if you need finer granularity.
> > 
> > 
> > > I get lots of errors like this along the way (I don't even know that's a
> > > cit
> > > file !):
> > > html in: /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/tutorials
> > > sed: can't read
> > > /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc//docs/manualpages/manualpages.cit:
> > > No
> > > such file or directory
> > > /home/fghoussen/Documents/INRIA/petsc/lib/petsc/conf/rules:699: recipe
> > > for
> > > target 'html' failed
> > > make[2]: [html] Error 2 (ignored)
> > > 
> > > And finally breaks like this:
> > > Updating generated html files with petsc version, date, canonical URL
> > > info
> > > find: unknown predicate `-o -type f -wholename
> > > share/petsc/saws/linearsolveroptions.html -prune -o -type f -wholename
> > > tutorials/HandsOnExercise.html -prune -o -type f -wholena
> > > me tutorials/TAOHandsOnExercise.html -prune'
> > > Try 'find --help' for more information.
> > 
> > Can you please send us the complete output? The .cit file is an
> > intermediate
> > result file, so the source of the error is at an earlier stage.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > Karli
> > 
> > 

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