To add a method to PETSc there are several places that you need to add
headers and registration stuff.
I find a method that looks like my method and clone that by searching (git
grep) for that (DMPlexGet something) method and cloning that code
everywhere that you find that method.


On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 6:35 AM Brandon Denton via petsc-dev <> wrote:

> Good Morning,
> I am trying to develop a function in PETSc that allows for the
> retrieval of a PetscHMapI contained in a PetscContainer attached to a
> DMPlex. The creation of this Hash Table and its attachment to the DMPlex is
> automated as part of the CAD/Discretization integration I've been
> developing. Currently, the only way to get this Hash Table is through the
> PetscObjectQuery() functionality. In an effort to make it easier for users
> to access and use this information, I am trying to develop a function where
> the user can specify an empty PetscHMapI variable and the function will
> retrieve the information attached to the DMPlex. However, when I try
> something like ...
> PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetGeomInfo(DM dm, PetscHMapI hashTable)
> I get a ton of compilation errors associated with the PetscHMapI
> designation. Is there a way around this?
> Thank you.
> Brandon

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