On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 1:00 PM Barry Smith <bsm...@petsc.dev> wrote:

>   What errors do you get?
> I am trying to develop a function where the user can specify an empty
> PetscHMapI variable and the function will retrieve the information attached
> to the DMPlex. However, when I try something like ...
> PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetGeomInfo(DM dm, PetscHMapI hashTable)
>   I don't understand the design of specifying and empty one. Why not have
> PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetGeomInfo(DM dm, PetscHMapI
> *hashTable)
> and return the one you have inside your container?

This sounds like the right design. Does that work?



> On Nov 27, 2023, at 9:11 AM, Brandon Denton via petsc-dev <
> petsc-dev@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I am trying to develop a function in PETSc that allows for the
> retrieval of a PetscHMapI contained in a PetscContainer attached to a
> DMPlex. The creation of this Hash Table and its attachment to the DMPlex is
> automated as part of the CAD/Discretization integration I've been
> developing. Currently, the only way to get this Hash Table is through the
> PetscObjectQuery() functionality. In an effort to make it easier for users
> to access and use this information, I am trying to develop a function where
> the user can specify an empty PetscHMapI variable and the function will
> retrieve the information attached to the DMPlex. However, when I try
> something like ...
> PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetGeomInfo(DM dm, PetscHMapI hashTable)
> I get a ton of compilation errors associated with the PetscHMapI
> designation. Is there a way around this?
> Thank you.
> Brandon

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experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
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