Barry Smith <bsmith@ petsc. dev> writes: > We've always had some tension between adding new features to bfort vs developing an entirely new tool (for example in Python (maybe calling a little LLVM to help parse the C function), for maybe
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Barry Smith <> writes:

>      We've always had some tension between adding new features to bfort vs developing an entirely new tool (for example in Python (maybe calling a little LLVM to help parse the C function), for maybe there is already a tool out there) to replace bfort.

Note that depending on LLVM (presumably libclang) is a nontrivial dependency if the users don't already have it installed on their systems. I'm all for making it easier to extend the stub generator, but an equally-hacky pybfort wouldn't make much difference. If some better tools have emerged or we have a clear idea for a better design, let's discuss that.

>      Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages instead we've relied on the quick and dirty of providing the interfaces as needed). We have not needed the Fortran standard C interface stuff and I would prefer not to use it unless it offers some huge advantage).

Mainly that lots of C stubs could be deleted in favor of iso_c_binding.

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