From the faq:
The syntax for the queue directive is:

queue name [on interface] bandwidth bw [priority pri] [qlimit qlim] \
   scheduler ( sched_options ) { queue_list }

Specify on which interface you are assigning each queue.
queue bob on fxp0 ....
queue bob on fxp1 ....

Kelley Reynolds
Inside Systems, Inc.

On Jan 12, 2011, at 11:40 AM, Bonnie Packet wrote:

> If you look at the posting from yesterday, you'll see the attempted
> setup is on two different interfaces, yes. That's been the case from
> the start.
> However, when I try to do the setup suggested by folks here several
> times now (same queue name repeated on another interface) pf complains
> bitterly and refuses to load the rules (see below). This is on an old,
> old OpenBSD 3.9 system - does anyone know if something changed in
> later releases to allows the  the same queue name on multiple
> interfaces? (I looked through all the change logs up through the
> current 4.8, but didn't see anything.) Or do I have the syntax wrong?
> #cat /etc/pf.conf
> ..
> altq on $int_if cbq bandwidth 5000Kb queue { std, slow, fast, tcpack }
> queue std bandwidth 1200Kb priority 1 cbq(default borrow)
> queue slow bandwidth 400Kb priority 0 cbq(ecn)
> queue fast bandwidth 3300Kb priority 2 cbq(borrow)
> queue tcpack bandwidth 100Kb priority 3 cbq(borrow)
> altq on $ext_if cbq bandwidth 900Kb queue { std, slow, fast, tcpack }
> queue std  bandwidth 400Kb priority 1 cbq(default borrow)
> queue slow bandwidth 50Kb priority 0 cbq(ecn)
> queue fast  bandwidth 400Kb priority 2 cbq(borrow)
> queue tcpack  bandwidth 50Kb priority 3 cbq(borrow)
> ....
> #./
> queue std already exists on interface rl0
> /etc/pf.conf:45: errors in queue definition
> queue slow already exists on interface rl0
> /etc/pf.conf:46: errors in queue definition
> queue fast already exists on interface rl0
> /etc/pf.conf:47: errors in queue definition
> queue tcpack already exists on interface rl0
> /etc/pf.conf:48: errors in queue definition
> pfctl: Syntax error in config file: pf rules not loaded
> On Jan 12, 12:01=A0am, (Jason Healy) wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:35 AM, Bonnie Packet wrote:
>>> Note that I know PF reasonably well and have altq queuing / rate
>>> limiting working perfectly already in ONE direction (right now, the
>>> high-bandwidth download side) - I just can't figure out how to get it
>>> working in both directions, up and down, simultaneously. =A0I've beat m=
> y
>>> head against TFM and nothing seems applicable - though this can't be
>>> an uncommon need...?
>> Are you creating your in/out queues on a single interface? =A0If so, that=
> might be your problem.
>> We have our box set up with both a "lan" interface and a "wan" interface.=
> =A0The "outbound" queues are children of the "wan" interface, but the "inb=
> ound" queues are children of the "lan" interface. =A0The folklore you hear =
> about "only being able to shape outbound traffic" is sort of true; you can =
> only shape the packets as they leave the PF box. =A0However, as packets tra=
> verse your box, they come IN, get processed, and then go OUT to be delivere=
> d, so you always have the opportunity to shape them. =A0You just need to ma=
> ke sure you're doing it at the right end.
>> Essentially, for "inbound" traffic (from the internet to your lan), PF qu=
> eues (and possibly drops) packets *just before* they would be delivered to =
> your boxes on the inside. =A0It's a little tragic (as others have mentioned=
> ) since those packets have already consumed your DSL bandwidth only to be d=
> ropped, but it's necessary to force the congestion-control to slow the flow=
> for future packets.
>> With a 2-interface 2-queue setup, we've been able to manage asymmetrical =
> bandwidth amounts. =A0We now have a symmetric connection, but I know we had=
> one working back when we were on a 16up/2down cable connection...
>> Jason
>> --
>> Jason Healy =A0 =A0| =A0 =A0 =A0| =A0http://www.logn.n=
> et/

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