
Thanks for the review, here is a fixed patch working for GBDP which shows
the appropriate graphs.
In this fix, we toke out the changes to diver/psycopg2 and implemented the
greenplum version checking process in the ppas way mentioned by Dave Cramer.

Teng Zhang & Hao Wang

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Ashesh Vashi <ashesh.va...@enterprisedb.com
> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Dave Page <dp...@pgadmin.org> wrote:
>> Ashesh, do you have a recommended way to do this?
>> I haven't looked at the patch, but I assume it adds a database driver
>> module for GPDB?
> I have not looked at the patch yet.
> I will take a look at it.
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ashesh Vashi
> EnterpriseDB INDIA: Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
> <http://www.enterprisedb.com/>
> *http://www.linkedin.com/in/asheshvashi*
> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/asheshvashi>
>> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 8:50 AM, Jing Li <jin...@pivotal.io> wrote:
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> Since we're hoping to get this change working for GPDB we've currently
>>> using this method to detect if it's gpdb and show the appropriate graphs.
>>> Right now it displays errors on the dashboard if it's connected to a gpdb
>>> server.
>>> For this patch specifically, the goal is to improve the experience for
>>> greenplum users so they can get the same information as someone connected
>>> to a postgres server.
>>> I do agree that this is a bigger discussion about how we handle behavior
>>> change overall if it's regular postgres or something else. Let's talk about
>>> how we can restructure this behavior in a wider context. Are you open to
>>> meeting about it?
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Jing
>>> On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 5:37 AM, Dave Cramer davecra...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi Violet.
>>>> I don't really like the way this has been implemented. It adds a
>>>> variable which is only used for gpdb.
>>>> There are other places in the code where the behaviour is changed if
>>>> the server is ppas or regular postgres.
>>>> Candidly I think all of this needs restructuring.
>>>> Dave Cramer
>>>> On 15 August 2017 at 23:29, Violet Cheng <vch...@pivotal.io> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Any comment on this patch? If no, will it be committed soon?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Violet
>>>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Sarah McAlear <smcal...@pivotal.io>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Hackers!
>>>> This patch enables Greenplum users to see the same charts on the
>>>> dashboard as postgres users. It also adds some additional information to
>>>> the DDL that is Greenplum specific and necessary to create a new table.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Sarah
>> --
>> Dave Page
>> Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
>> Twitter: @pgsnake
>> EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
>> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company
diff --git a/web/config.py b/web/config.py
index f4609e4e..90dd4ded 100644
--- a/web/config.py
+++ b/web/config.py
@@ -299,7 +299,8 @@ STORAGE_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'storage')
     "pg":   "",
-    "ppas": ""
+    "ppas": "",
+    "gpdb": ""
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bcfd598
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+{% import 'macros/schemas/security.macros' as SECLABEL %}
+{% import 'macros/schemas/privilege.macros' as PRIVILEGE %}
+{% import 'macros/variable.macros' as VARIABLE %}
+{% import 'column/macros/security.macros' as COLUMN_SECLABEL %}
+{% import 'column/macros/privilege.macros' as COLUMN_PRIVILEGE %}
+{% import 'table/sql/macros/constraints.macro' as CONSTRAINTS %}
+{% import 'type/macros/get_full_type_sql_format.macros' as GET_TYPE %}
+ If user has not provided any details but only name then
+ add empty bracket with table name
+{% set empty_bracket = ""%}
+{% if data.coll_inherits|length == 0 and  data.columns|length == 0 and not 
data.typname and not data.like_relation and data.primary_key|length == 0 and 
data.unique_constraint|length == 0 and data.foreign_key|length == 0 and 
data.check_constraint|length == 0 and data.exclude_constraint|length == 0 %}
+{% set empty_bracket = "\n(\n)"%}
+{% endif %}
+CREATE {% if data.relpersistence %}UNLOGGED {% endif %}TABLE 
{{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}{{empty_bracket}}
+{% if data.typname %}
+    OF {{ data.typname }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if data.like_relation or data.coll_inherits or data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if data.like_relation %}
+    LIKE {{ data.like_relation }}{% if data.like_default_value %}
+        INCLUDING DEFAULTS{% endif %}{% if data.like_constraints %}
+        INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS{% endif %}{% if data.like_indexes %}
+        INCLUDING INDEXES{% endif %}{% if data.like_storage %}
+        INCLUDING STORAGE{% endif %}{% if data.like_comments %}
+        INCLUDING COMMENTS{% endif %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 %},
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{### Add columns ###}
+{% if data.columns and data.columns|length > 0 %}
+{% for c in data.columns %}
+{% if c.name and c.cltype %}
+{% if loop.index != 1 %},
+{% endif %}
+    {{conn|qtIdent(c.name)}} {% if is_sql %}{{c.displaytypname}}{% else %}{{ 
GET_TYPE.CREATE_TYPE_SQL(conn, c.cltype, c.attlen, c.attprecision, 
c.hasSqrBracket) }}{% endif %}{% if c.collspcname %} COLLATE 
{{c.collspcname}}{% endif %}{% if c.attnotnull %} NOT NULL{% endif %}{% if 
c.defval %} DEFAULT {{c.defval}}{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{# Macro to render for constraints #}
+{% if data.primary_key|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 %},{% endif 
+{{CONSTRAINTS.PRIMARY_KEY(conn, data.primary_key[0])}}{% endif %}{% if 
data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
+{{CONSTRAINTS.UNIQUE(conn, data.unique_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if 
data.foreign_key|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
+{{CONSTRAINTS.FOREIGN_KEY(conn, data.foreign_key)}}{% endif %}{% if 
data.check_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.foreign_key|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CHECK(conn, data.check_constraint)}}{% endif %}{% if 
data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}{% if data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 %},{% endif %}
+{{CONSTRAINTS.EXCLUDE(conn, data.exclude_constraint)}}{% endif %}
+{% if data.like_relation or data.coll_inherits or data.columns|length > 0 or 
data.primary_key|length > 0 or data.unique_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.foreign_key|length > 0 or data.check_constraint|length > 0 or 
data.exclude_constraint|length > 0 %}
+){% endif %}{% if data.relkind is defined and data.relkind == 'p' %} PARTITION 
BY {{ data.partition_scheme }} {% endif %}
+{### If we are inheriting it from another table(s) ###}
+{% if data.coll_inherits %}
+    INHERITS ({% for val in data.coll_inherits %}{% if loop.index != 1 %}, {% 
endif %}{{val}}{% endfor %})
+{% endif %}
+    OIDS = {% if data.relhasoids %}TRUE{% else %}FALSE{% endif %}{% if 
data.fillfactor %},
+    FILLFACTOR = {{ data.fillfactor }}{% endif %}{% if data.appendonly %},
+    APPENDONLY = TRUE{% endif %}{% if data.compresslevel %},
+    COMPRESSLEVEL = {{ data.compresslevel }}{% endif %}{% if data.blocksize %},
+    BLOCKSIZE = {{ data.blocksize }}{% endif %}{% if data.orientation %},
+    ORIENTATION = {{ data.orientation.upper() }}{% endif %}{% if 
data.compresstype %},
+    COMPRESSTYPE = {{ data.compresstype.upper() }}{% endif %}{% if 
data.autovacuum_custom %},
+    autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.autovacuum_enabled %}TRUE{% else %}FALSE{% 
endif %}{% endif %}{% if data.toast_autovacuum %},
+    toast.autovacuum_enabled = {% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled %}TRUE{% 
else %}FALSE{% endif %}
+{% endif %}{% if data.autovacuum_enabled and data.vacuum_table|length > 0 %}
+{% for opt in data.vacuum_table %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
+    {{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if data.toast_autovacuum_enabled and 
data.vacuum_toast|length > 0 %}
+{% for opt in data.vacuum_toast %}{% if opt.name and opt.value %}
+    toast.{{opt.name}} = {{opt.value}}{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}{% endif %}
+{### SQL for Tablespace ###}
+{% if data.spcname %}
+TABLESPACE {{ conn|qtIdent(data.spcname) }}
+{% endif %}
+{### SQL for Distribution ###}
+{% if data.distribution %}
+DISTRIBUTED BY ({% for attrnum in data.distribution %}{% if loop.index != 1 
%}, {% endif %}{{ data.columns[attrnum-1].name }}{% endfor %});
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
+{### Alter SQL for Owner ###}
+{% if data.relowner %}
+ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
+    OWNER to {{conn|qtIdent(data.relowner)}};
+{% endif %}
+{### Security Labels on Table ###}
+{% if data.seclabels and data.seclabels|length > 0 %}
+{% for r in data.seclabels %}
+{{ SECLABEL.SET(conn, 'TABLE', data.name, r.provider, r.label, data.schema) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{###  ACL on Table ###}
+{% if data.relacl %}
+{% for priv in data.relacl %}
+{{ PRIVILEGE.SET(conn, 'TABLE', priv.grantee, data.name, priv.without_grant, 
priv.with_grant, data.schema) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{### SQL for COMMENT ###}
+{% if data.description %}
+COMMENT ON TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
+    IS {{data.description|qtLiteral}};
+{% endif %}
+{% if data.columns and data.columns|length > 0 %}
+{% for c in data.columns %}
+{% if c.description %}
+COMMENT ON COLUMN {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name, c.name)}}
+    IS {{c.description|qtLiteral}};
+{% endif %}
+{###  Add variables to column ###}
+{% if c.attoptions and c.attoptions|length > 0 %}
+ALTER TABLE {{conn|qtIdent(data.schema, data.name)}}
+    {{ VARIABLE.SET(conn, 'COLUMN', c.name, c.attoptions) }}
+{% endif %}
+{###  ACL ###}
+{% if c.attacl and c.attacl|length > 0 %}
+{% for priv in c.attacl %}
+    {{ COLUMN_PRIVILEGE.APPLY(conn, data.schema, data.name, c.name, 
priv.grantee, priv.without_grant, priv.with_grant) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{###  Security Lables ###}
+{% if c.seclabels and c.seclabels|length > 0 %}
+{% for r in c.seclabels %}
+{{ COLUMN_SECLABEL.APPLY(conn, 'COLUMN',data.schema, data.name, c.name, 
r.provider, r.label) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, 
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, 
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, 
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, 
+{{CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_COMMENTS(conn, data.schema, data.name, 
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83176a45
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+       (CASE when pre_coll_inherits is NULL then ARRAY[]::varchar[] else 
pre_coll_inherits END) as coll_inherits
+       SELECT rel.oid, rel.relname AS name, rel.reltablespace AS 
spcoid,rel.relacl AS relacl_str,
+               (CASE WHEN length(spc.spcname) > 0 THEN spc.spcname ELSE
+                       (SELECT sp.spcname FROM pg_database dtb
+                       JOIN pg_tablespace sp ON dtb.dattablespace=sp.oid
+                       WHERE dtb.oid = {{ did }}::oid)
+               END) as spcname,
+               (select nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid = {{scid}}::oid ) 
as schema,
+               pg_get_userbyid(rel.relowner) AS relowner, rel.relhasoids,
+               rel.relhassubclass, rel.reltuples, des.description, 
con.conname, con.conkey,
+               EXISTS(select 1 FROM pg_trigger
+                               JOIN pg_proc pt ON pt.oid=tgfoid AND 
+                               JOIN pg_proc pc ON 
pc.pronamespace=pt.pronamespace AND pc.proname='slonyversion'
+                               WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid) AS isrepl,
+               (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid=rel.oid) AS 
+               (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT CASE WHEN (nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\_%') THEN
+                                                       ELSE 
quote_ident(c.relname) END AS inherited_tables
+                       FROM pg_inherits i
+                       JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
+                       JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
+                       WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid ORDER BY inhseqno)) AS 
+               (SELECT count(*)
+                       FROM pg_inherits i
+                               JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.inhparent
+                               JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace
+                       WHERE i.inhrelid = rel.oid) AS inherited_tables_cnt,
+               false AS relpersistence,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'fillfactor=([0-9]*)') AS fillfactor,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'compresslevel=([0-9]*)') AS compresslevel,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'blocksize=([0-9]*)') AS blocksize,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'orientation=(row|column)') AS orientation,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'appendonly=(true|false)')::boolean AS appendonly,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'compresstype=(zlib|quicklz|rle_type|none)') AS compresstype,
+               (CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') = 'true')
+                       THEN true ELSE false END) AS autovacuum_enabled,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)') AS 
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)') AS 
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
+               substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
+               (CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)') =  'true')
+                       THEN true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum_enabled,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_threshold,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)') AS 
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_analyze_threshold=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_analyze_threshold,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)') AS 
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_min_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_min_age,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_max_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_max_age,
+               substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_freeze_table_age=([0-9]*)') AS toast_autovacuum_freeze_table_age,
+               array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') AS 
+               array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') AS 
+               rel.reloptions AS reloptions, tst.reloptions AS 
toast_reloptions, NULL AS reloftype, NULL AS typname,
+               (CASE WHEN rel.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN false ELSE true END) AS 
+                       -- Added for pgAdmin4
+               (CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(rel.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)'))::boolean  THEN true ELSE false END) AS 
+               (CASE WHEN (substring(array_to_string(tst.reloptions, ',') FROM 
'autovacuum_enabled=([a-z|0-9]*)'))::boolean  AND rel.reltoastrelid != 0 THEN 
true ELSE false END) AS toast_autovacuum,
+               ARRAY[]::varchar[] AS seclabels,
+               (CASE WHEN rel.oid <= {{ datlastsysoid}}::oid THEN true ElSE 
false END) AS is_sys_table,
+               gdp.attrnums AS distribution
+       FROM pg_class rel
+               LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace spc on spc.oid=rel.reltablespace
+               LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description des ON (des.objoid=rel.oid AND 
des.objsubid=0 AND des.classoid='pg_class'::regclass)
+               LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid AND 
+               LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class tst ON tst.oid = rel.reltoastrelid
+               LEFT OUTER JOIN gp_distribution_policy gdp ON gdp.localoid = 
+        WHERE rel.relkind IN ('r','s','t') AND rel.relnamespace = {{ scid }}
+       {% if tid %}  AND rel.oid = {{ tid }}::oid {% endif %}
+) AS TableInformation
+ ORDER BY name
diff --git 
index 1ac35054..a469f2ea 100644
@@ -104,8 +104,13 @@ class BaseTableView(PGChildNodeView):
                 did in self.manager.db_info else 0
             ver = self.manager.version
+            server_type = self.manager.server_type
             # Set the template path for the SQL scripts
-            self.table_template_path = 'table/sql/#{0}#'.format(ver)
+            self.table_template_path = 'table/sql/' + (
+                '#{0}#{1}#'.format(server_type, ver)
+                if server_type == 'gpdb' else
+                '#{0}#'.format(ver)
+            )
             self.partition_template_path = 'partition/sql/#{0}#'.format(ver)
             # Template for Column ,check constraint and exclusion
diff --git a/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/gpdb.py 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..878063d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/gpdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
+# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017, The pgAdmin Development Team
+# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
+from flask_babel import gettext
+from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.types import ServerType
+class GPDB(ServerType):
+    def instanceOf(self, ver):
+        return "Greenplum Database" in ver
+# Default Server Type
+GPDB('gpdb', gettext("Greenplum Database"), 3)
diff --git a/web/pgadmin/dashboard/__init__.py 
index 8ebab16c..a41492f4 100644
--- a/web/pgadmin/dashboard/__init__.py
+++ b/web/pgadmin/dashboard/__init__.py
@@ -218,7 +218,12 @@ def check_precondition(f):
         g.server_type = g.manager.server_type
         g.version = g.manager.version
-        g.template_path = 'dashboard/sql/#{0}#'.format(g.version)
+        # Include server_type in template_path when server_type is gpdb
+        g.template_path = 'dashboard/sql/' + (
+            '#{0}#{1}#'.format(g.server_type, g.version)
+            if g.server_type == 'gpdb' else
+            '#{0}#'.format(g.version)
+        )
         return f(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a0a0243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/pgadmin/dashboard/templates/dashboard/sql/gpdb_5.0_plus/activity.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    procpid AS pid,
+    datname,
+    usename,
+    application_name,
+    client_addr,
+    to_char(backend_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ') AS backend_start,
+    CASE WHEN current_query LIKE '<IDLE>%' THEN 'idle' ELSE 'active' END AS 
+    CASE WHEN waiting THEN '{{ _('yes') }}' ELSE '{{ _('no') }}' END AS waiting
+    pg_stat_activity
+{% if did %}WHERE
+    datid = {{ did }} {% endif %}
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..511838d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/pgadmin/dashboard/templates/dashboard/sql/gpdb_5.0_plus/locks.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+    pid,
+    locktype,
+    datname,
+    relation::regclass,
+    page,
+    tuple,
+    virtualxid
+    transactionid,
+    classid::regclass,
+    objid,
+    objsubid,
+    virtualtransaction,
+    mode,
+    granted
+    pg_locks l
+    LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_database d ON (l.database = d.oid)
+{% if did %}WHERE
+    database = {{ did }}{% endif %}
+    pid, locktype
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..533c445b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity{% if did %} WHERE datid = {{ did }} 
{% endif %}) AS "{{ _('Total') }}",
+   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE current_query NOT LIKE 
'<IDLE>%'{% if did %} AND datid = {{ did }} {% endif %})  AS "{{ _('Active') 
+   (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE current_query LIKE '<IDLE>%'{% 
if did %} AND datid =  {{ did }} {% endif %})  AS "{{ _('Idle') }}"
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e131e3fd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Some default SQL for GPDB
diff --git a/web/pgadmin/utils/tests/test_versioned_template_loader.py 
index a0d97899..9f3bd07f 100644
--- a/web/pgadmin/utils/tests/test_versioned_template_loader.py
+++ b/web/pgadmin/utils/tests/test_versioned_template_loader.py
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ class TestVersionedTemplateLoader(BaseTestGenerator):
         ("Render a version 9.1 template when it is present", dict(scenario=2)),
         ("Render a version 9.2 template when request for a higher version", 
         ("Render default version when version 9.0 was requested and only 9.1 
and 9.2 are present", dict(scenario=4)),
-        ("Raise error when version is smaller than available templates", 
+        ("Raise error when version is smaller than available templates", 
+        ("Render a version GPDB 5.0 template when it is present", 
+        ("Render a version GPDB 5.0 template when it is in default", 
+        ("Raise error when version is gpdb but template does not exist", 
     def setUp(self):
@@ -40,6 +43,12 @@ class TestVersionedTemplateLoader(BaseTestGenerator):
         if self.scenario == 5:
+        if self.scenario == 6:
+        if self.scenario == 7:
+        if self.scenario == 8:
     def test_get_source_returns_a_template(self):
         expected_content = "Some SQL" \
@@ -86,6 +95,31 @@ class TestVersionedTemplateLoader(BaseTestGenerator):
         except TemplateNotFound:
+    def 
+        expected_content = "Some default SQL for GPDB\n"
+        # For cross platform we join the SQL path (This solves the slashes 
+        sql_path = os.path.join("some_feature", "sql", "gpdb_5.0_plus", 
+        content, filename, up_to_dateness = self.loader.get_source(None, 
+        self.assertEqual(expected_content, str(content).replace("\r", ""))
+        self.assertIn(sql_path, filename)
+    def 
+        expected_content = "Some default SQL"
+        # For cross platform we join the SQL path (This solves the slashes 
+        sql_path = os.path.join("some_feature", "sql", "default", 
+        content, filename, up_to_dateness = self.loader.get_source(None, 
+        self.assertEqual(expected_content, str(content).replace("\r", ""))
+        self.assertIn(sql_path, filename)
+    def 
+        try:
+            self.loader.get_source(None, 
+            self.fail("No exception raised")
+        except TemplateNotFound:
+            return
 class FakeApp(Flask):
     def __init__(self):
diff --git a/web/pgadmin/utils/versioned_template_loader.py 
index d8cc1a11..1570353e 100644
--- a/web/pgadmin/utils/versioned_template_loader.py
+++ b/web/pgadmin/utils/versioned_template_loader.py
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound
 class VersionedTemplateLoader(DispatchingJinjaLoader):
     def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        template_path_parts = template.split("#", 2)
+        template_path_parts = template.split("#", 3)
-        server_versions = (
+        postgres_versions = (
             {'name': "10_plus", 'number': 100000},
             {'name': "9.6_plus", 'number': 90600},
             {'name': "9.5_plus", 'number': 90500},
@@ -27,18 +27,29 @@ class VersionedTemplateLoader(DispatchingJinjaLoader):
             {'name': "default", 'number': 0}
+        gpdb_versions = (
+            {'name': "gpdb_5.0_plus", 'number': 80323},
+            {'name': "default", 'number': 0}
+        )
+        server_versions = postgres_versions
         if len(template_path_parts) == 1:
             return super(VersionedTemplateLoader, 
self).get_source(environment, template)
+        if len(template_path_parts) == 4:
+            path_start, server_type, specified_version_number, file_name = 
+            if server_type == 'gpdb':
+                server_versions = gpdb_versions
-            for server_version in server_versions:
-                path_start, specified_version_number, file_name = 
-                if server_version['number'] > int(specified_version_number):
-                    continue
-                template_path = path_start + '/' + server_version['name'] + 
'/' + file_name
-                try:
-                    return super(VersionedTemplateLoader, 
self).get_source(environment, template_path)
-                except TemplateNotFound:
-                    continue
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
\ No newline at end of file
+            path_start, specified_version_number, file_name = 
+        for server_version in server_versions:
+            if server_version['number'] > int(specified_version_number):
+                continue
+            template_path = path_start + '/' + server_version['name'] + '/' + 
+            try:
+                return super(VersionedTemplateLoader, 
self).get_source(environment, template_path)
+            except TemplateNotFound:
+                continue
+        raise TemplateNotFound(template)

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