Hi Dave,

Dave Page wrote :

I've just uploaded pgadmin3 for Debian woody,testing and unstable. If someone on the list can test this, it would be nice... Scripts seem to be ok now and daily snapshots can be built automatically

OK, that's good news. - we should probably add the scripts to CVS at some point.

Concerning this proposal, I think it would be great and surely help automates build although it's surely not compliant with the actual feature freeze (we'll surely do this for a next release, isn't it ?).

Now I have some question:
Everything concerning debian packaging is located in a directory named "debian" that looks like this for the moment:
This directory if found under something like packagename-version, permits the package to be built by launching a single command. <here is the question ;)> So, can you confirm that pga3's tarball sources of freezed or beta versions will be released with the main directory called something like : pgadmin3-xxxx where xxxx is the version number (something similar to what is done in the snapshots' tarballs "pgadmin3-0.1.1"). If it's the case and if we simply put the "debian" directory in it, the package can be simply built typing a single command on a debian system (dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot).

I'm currently looking for the best practices concerning debian packaging and cvs. Debian has some tools that helps managing packages files in a cvs repository (in particular, it helps managing differents versions of files for differents releases of debian) but I'm not sure it's the best way of doing the job.



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