Dave Page wrote:

I think we can add/tweak packaging scripts during ff. It's not like they
affect the underlying code in any way. I was planning to add a new
directory anyway:
Which would hold all the appropriate packaging related files. For example,
the current build-snapshot will be split into /pkg/src/build-tarball and
/pkg/slackware/build-package or similar. /pkg/win32 will contain the Wise
for Windows installer project files that I will use.

seems to be a good idea to separate package things from the rest.

Now I have some question:
Everything concerning debian packaging is located in a directory named
"debian" that looks like this for the moment:

Can this work under /pkg/debian?

unfortunately not, but we can still have a script that does the trick (something similar to what's done in upstream wxWindows for example) and if the pgadmin files are still organized like what I'm waiting for (see below), the script can be something like :
cd pgadmin3-0.1.1 ; mv pkg/debian . ; dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot
Not that complex isn't it ? :)

The beta releases will be pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz (I plan to drop the -src
that's currently in there). When we release, we will bump the version to

I didn't explain my mind well: what I was talking about is what will be inside the tarballs
will tar tzvf pgadmin3-0.x.x.tar.gz still give something like
and then
If yes, everything is fine! :)

I'm currently looking for the best practices concerning debian
packaging and cvs. Debian has some tools that helps managing packages
files in a cvs repository (in particular, it helps managing differents
versions of files for differents releases of debian) but I'm not sure
it's the best way of doing the job.

I wouldn't have thought that pgAdmin is that complex is it?

No, pgAdmin is well developped, autoconf scripts are a dream and everything builds quite easily once wxWindows is ok.
I think that the complexity comes from the fact I try to get some "good" packages (I mean things like all dependencies for build section and runtimes section well documented for example) and that I don't want to do bad choices concerning the way of doing it so that it is possible in the future to go in official debian without much work.

Hope I didn't mess you with my personal fears :)

I send you debian files in private to take care of others on the list.



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