----Message d'origine----
>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:03:15 +0000
>De: Andreas Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
>Sujet: [pgadmin-hackers] upgrade to wx2.5.4
>Hi friends,

Hi Andreas and others, sorry for this long silence, I had much work (and 
studies) and no free time at all... I hope I'm back for some time (one exam on 
next wednesday and I should be back;p).

>wx2.5.4 is somewhat incompatible to 2.5.3, regarding those casting
>orgies performed currently to call wxEvtHandler::Connect (e.g. in
>frmQuery). The new way using wxXXXEventHandler macros is much nicer, and
>we'll want to use the forthcoming wx2.6 anyway so we should upgrade to
>using 2.5.4 now on all build systems for 1.3.
>As soon as this is done, I'll upload the needed pgAdmin patches to use that.

I won't be able to work on this until (at least) next week. Is wx2.5.4 frozen 
or is it still moving from day to day (I only see wx2.5.3 in the main download 
section of wxWid web site) ?
If not frozen can one of you provide a snapshot known to work with the futur 
patched pga3?

wx2.5.3 Debian packages did not enter testing and Ron is working hard on 
stabilising them. It seems I'm back on the way to provide my own ugly wxWid 
packages for pga3 1.3 releases... <joke target=andreas>Do you think I have 
nothing to do that you give me so much work? hu? ;)</joke>


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