
just a few quickies:

"we recommand installing binary packages": recommand -> recommand
"additional language translations and admin packas": packas -> packs

"they are 'works in progress'": missing period at the end of the sentence

"omit all \'Universal" and "DLL" builds": \' should probably be ", at \'Universal"? at mac osx build instructions: "../configure --with-mac" should probably begin with only 1 dot instead of 2, "./configure --with-mac"

"may be used on Linux, FreeBSD Solaris, Mac OSX": missing comma after freebsd "No external drivers are to communicate with the database server.": no external drivers are needed?

"Powerful query tool with color syntax highlight": i'm really not sure about this one, but shouldn't this end with "highlighting"?

"for the benefit of out worldwide": out -> our

"and bug fixes and helping improve pgAdmin": helping -> help
"some of these companies have": some -> Some (start of sentence)

"just click on your country flag": aren't the country flags gone? :)
"when pgAdmin new versions are released": perhaps "when new versions of pgAdmin are released"

"get involved in the project you you wish": i really have no idea what to suggest :) maybe "as you wish", "if you wish"?

"please source the Source code build instructions": source -> check || view || see

"changes to pgAdmin3, as present in svn": is this text extracted from svn already? if not, according to the advocacy page pgAdmin3 should probably be "pgAdmin III" and svn written in uppercase, as is elsewhere on the site.

"with colour syntax highlight": same question as above. also, i've noticed that in the above note, on the features page, the word "color" is used whereas here it is "colour". it is a sort of a mix between us and british english :) words like "color/colour", "dialog/dialogue", "realize/realise", "analyze/analyse", "favorite/favourite" are some potential problem makers that come to mind atm.

"EXPLAIN and/or ANALYSE": postgresql uses "ANALYZE", see above note
"You will soon realise that": see above note re us/british english

"other multi-byte charactersets": charactersets -> character sets?
"and partially translated into more than 25 more": kill a more :)

"along with summaries of crrent locks": crrent -> current

"help out whereever possible": whereever ... dictionary.com suggests "wherever" or "where ever"

"Browser to the translation status page": Browser -> Browse
"The language template serves as empty template": as an empty... ?
"and set the harset": harset -> charset
"important step because somes strings": somes -> some
"HTML files used by the Guru to notify users": Guru -> Guru Hints? or is this referring to the mr.-bearded-guru-guy who offers the hints? in this case, what is his name? does he have one or is he just a guru? or is he The Guru? :)

done. but this was just a quick read-through.

also, a feature request if i may :) i really like the "display: block" property in the current left-hand menu. can this please be used in the new layout as well?


"... the small primitive tribes joined up and became huge, powerful primitive tribes with more sophisticated weapons."
  -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Dave Page wrote:

An essentially complete new website is online at
http://wwwdevel.pgadmin.org/. I've stuck with pretty much the current
design, but with rewritten CSS and a new colour scheme to match the current
pgAdmin splash screen.

The content has been rewritten to imporve the phrasing, and each of the long
single pages has been broken up into multiple smaller pages. I have also
added a documentation section in which you can browse the SVN tip and 1.4

Before I make it live, and freeze the strings for translation;

- Does anyone see any technical issues?
- Does anyone see any typos?
- Does anyone have a better design, or tweaks for the work I've done?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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