On 17/10/2019 15.24, Arni Kromić wrote:
> On 17/10/2019 11.05, Khushboo Vashi wrote:
>> Hi Arni,
>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 1:41 PM Arni Kromić <arni.kro...@bios-ict.hr
>> <mailto:arni.kro...@bios-ict.hr>> wrote:
>>     A question asked on the list reminded me of something... I've always
>>     wondered if it's possible to prolong or prevent pgAdmin4 session
>>     timeouts. This way if I leave the computer for a long time
>>     (especially
>>     if it gets suspended), I have to refresh page, and login again. That
>>     also means that any query/data tabs are lost.
>>     Can i prevent the session from expiring so I can stay logged in?
>>     I don't
>>     need this at all for security because both the database and the
>>     pgAdmin
>>     service are on my development computer which only I use.
>> No, you can't prevent the session expiration completely but, you can
>> increase the timeout limits.
>> Check the below configurations in config.py file.
>> You will get information regarding the parameters in the file itself,
>> and can override above settings as per your requirement.
>> Thanks,
>> Khushboo
> Thank you very much, I believe this is exactly what I need. I've tuned
> those parameters on my development machine to work more comfortably, I
> hope it will do the trick.
> -- 
> Kind Regards,
> Arni Kromić
Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem. I've prolonged the first
parameter from 1 hour to 24 and the other two from one day to three; but
when I put the computer to sleep yesterday afternoon and woke it up this
morning, it required relogin. Again I couldn't stop the work and continue.

I don't know if anything else is needed to apply the settings, I just
restarted Apache and re-login to pgAdmin. I've also observed that the
same session does continue normally if I leave the computer for a few
hours and it also survives when I put the computer to sleep and wake it
up after a short while. Why does it not listen to my changed configuration?

The file I edited is /usr/share/pgadmin4/web/config.py, which I suppose
is the right one for my computer. The software was installed on Ubuntu
from upstream (your) apt repository.

Kind Regards,
Arni Kromić

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