On 30/10/2019 06.15, Khushboo Vashi wrote:
>     Ok so is there anything else I should try to prevent the session
>     to expire by the next day? Or is it possibly a bug to report if
>     pgAdmin doesn't really care about those settings?
> Let me verify it, will get back to you. 
Thank you, I appreciate your effort!

>     But, I'd say there is definitely one bug present, an unwanted
>     behavior. When the login session becomes invalit, the interface
>     stays the same, but it just spits all kinds of errors when you try
>     to do anything ("Would you like to reconnect to the database?"
>     then various invalid this and that errors.) The correct behavior
>     would be to automatically redirect to the login page if the login
>     session expires. Should this be reported?

Kind Regards,
Arni Kromić

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