Hi May,

Download the latest version - pgAdmin4 v5.0. It has removed Qt dependency.

On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 1:45 PM May Kue <may....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I hope 2021 isn't as crappy AND exciting for you as it has been in my neck
> of the woods.
> *Before I begin, I did read the installation notes and there is a work
> around solution:*
> "There is a known issue of pgAdmin freezing on launch on macOS BigSur
> because of a bug in Qt 5.13 and 5.14 versions. Till this issue is fixed,
> the work-around for this is to set the variable QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER."
> I've scoured search engines and cannot follow any of the solutions, even
> though one seemed legit.
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-87014
> I am a student and have been trying to install pgAdmin for two weeks now
> on a MacOs BigSur (for personal reasons why I am using a Mac...I am an
> idiot and will conquer this dammit!). My other classmates with Macs just
> went back to Windows and have to buy new laptops - which is crazy. I am
> crazier by trying to get it to work.
> Can you please help me with this with a step-by-step guide as I realize
> praying to Apple, God, Buddha or Oprah won't resolve this issue? I know
> that it is a lot to ask but...PRETTY PLEASE??? I will gladly share it with
> my "not my problem" professor and anyone trying to survive post 2020. And
> the Reddit forum...Oh goodness, we're doomed.
> If you can't help me with this, can you just respond with "That sucks. Go
> away." so that I am not waiting for Gadot? I'll still be grateful that
> another human exists...
> Anyway, thank you for your time. Until I hear back, I will be staring at
> the monitor and pray that Mac gets their shit together. Everyday I am
> fighting a battle with Windows, Mac, Google, Covid, Mother Nature (I have
> curly hair), what to eat, Netflix...and don't get me started with my family
> (I have a big family = so screwed for life BUT SO SO LOVED! ). So yeah, I
> have that going for me...can you please help a sister out?😱
> God Speed,
> Kue
> PS
> It's not that my professor doesn't care. I think he just doesn't want to
> admit he has been in the same boat as I. Yeah, he probably hates his life
> as a professor during Covid...

Aditya Toshniwal
pgAdmin hacker | Sr. Software Engineer | *edbpostgres.com*
"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"

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