
On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 8:15 AM May Kue <may....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I hope 2021 isn't as crappy AND exciting for you as it has been in my neck
> of the woods.
> *Before I begin, I did read the installation notes and there is a work
> around solution:*
> "There is a known issue of pgAdmin freezing on launch on macOS BigSur
> because of a bug in Qt 5.13 and 5.14 versions. Till this issue is fixed,
> the work-around for this is to set the variable QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER."
> I've scoured search engines and cannot follow any of the solutions, even
> though one seemed legit.
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-87014
> I am a student and have been trying to install pgAdmin for two weeks now
> on a MacOs BigSur (for personal reasons why I am using a Mac...I am an
> idiot and will conquer this dammit!). My other classmates with Macs just
> went back to Windows and have to buy new laptops - which is crazy. I am
> crazier by trying to get it to work.
> Can you please help me with this with a step-by-step guide as I realize
> praying to Apple, God, Buddha or Oprah won't resolve this issue? I know
> that it is a lot to ask but...PRETTY PLEASE??? I will gladly share it with
> my "not my problem" professor and anyone trying to survive post 2020. And
> the Reddit forum...Oh goodness, we're doomed.
> If you can't help me with this, can you just respond with "That sucks. Go
> away." so that I am not waiting for Gadot? I'll still be grateful that
> another human exists...
> Anyway, thank you for your time. Until I hear back, I will be staring at
> the monitor and pray that Mac gets their shit together. Everyday I am
> fighting a battle with Windows, Mac, Google, Covid, Mother Nature (I have
> curly hair), what to eat, Netflix...and don't get me started with my family
> (I have a big family = so screwed for life BUT SO SO LOVED! ). So yeah, I
> have that going for me...can you please help a sister out?😱
> God Speed,
> Kue
> PS
> It's not that my professor doesn't care. I think he just doesn't want to
> admit he has been in the same boat as I. Yeah, he probably hates his life
> as a professor during Covid...
Best. Support. Email. Ever. Thanks for cheering up my morning!

As Aditya said, please update to 5.0, as it removes the Qt dependency.

Oddly though; I don't think we've ever seen the issue you describe in a
release version. We've not had it at all with the community builds, but I
do know that the team that maintain the PostgreSQL installers at EDB (which
include pgAdmin) ran into it at one point, but they fixed it prior to
release, at least for their test systems.

Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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