On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 04:18:05AM -0400, Stephen Cook wrote:
> On 2017-05-19 16:07, Michael Shapiro wrote:
> > FWIW -- the final release of PgAdmin 3 fixed an ssl issue which, at
> > least for me, fixed the disconnects from the server.
> Not me. I still can't use it for more than a few minutes at a time, or
> with a query that returns more than a few dozen rows, if SSH is
> involved. Stuck with the command-line until pgAdmin 4 becomes useful or
> I find something else.

I also gave up on using pgadmin4.

PgadminIII (1.22.2-1) on Debian is somewhat unstable but to me more
usable than pgadmin4. We use it with PostgreSQL 9.6 and most of use it
over a ssh-tunnel.

Maybe pgadmin4 will one day be fast and efficient, but I doubt it
because of the platform and architecture the developers have chosen to

And maybe some people like the interface.  That may be a matter of
personal taste.

I have also tested some alternatives to pgadmin3/4 and some of them are

Johann Spies                            Telefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager          Faks: 021-883 3691

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
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