
I'm trying to write a custom drawing routine.  I want to specify
coordinates relative to the point in the axis coordinate system, but I
find that when I do so, the points are displaced by (-xmin, -ymin).

In the following example, I plot a point at (1, .2) and I try to place
a node one unit to the right of that point, i.e., at (2, .2).  When I

  \path ##1 ++(axis cs:1,0) node {o};

The o mark ends up not at (2, .2), but at (3, .3), i.e., displaced by
(-xmin, -ymin).

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

I'm using Debian stable's texlive, except for pgfplots.  I am using
version 1.5.1 of pgfplots, which is installed locally.  I have nothing
else installed locally.



      only marks,
      /pgfplots/error bars/.cd,
      % Only draw draw the x + \epsilon error bar.
      y dir=plus,
      y explicit,
      % Override the default error bar drawing routine.
      /pgfplots/error bars/draw error bar/.code 2 args={%
           % (1,1) in the canvas vs. the axis coordinate system.
           \node at (1, 1) {C};
           \node at (axis cs:1, 1) {X};
           # My base.
           \path ##1 node[anchor=north] {##1};

           # The point I get.
           \path ##1 ++(axis cs:1,0) node {o} node[anchor=south] {Bad};

           % The point I want.
           \path (axis cs:2,.2) node {o} node[anchor=south] {Want};

           % What I get is the point I want displaced by (-xmin, -ymin)!
           \path (axis cs:3,.3) node {x};
      y index=1,
      y error index=2,
  1 .2 .4

  \begin{axis}[xmin=-1, xmax=6, ymin=-0.1, ymax=1.1]
  \addplot [myplot] table {filecontents-4426618062d2918a0559d4bc3e6c12e1.table};

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