2011/10/6 Guillaume Lelarge <guilla...@lelarge.info>:


>> And it's not. Ok, there is some overhead, but it's veeery slow.
> How did you check that?
> You may be right in a specific setting, but I have no issues getting
> better performance with pgpool.

We tested our java webapp with pgpool and without pgpool, same
servers, we only change the target IP in the JDBC config file in

We have a small XML processing servlet with informations to insert in
the databases (streaming replication). We verified that all requests a

XML sizes varies from 300KB to 3MB.

Time to process the file completely for a fully functional database :

- with pgpool : 20-45min (20min for the smaller ones to 45min for the big one)
- without pgpool : 4-15min

Then we tested browsing in our webapp :

- with pgpool : 30-45s to display a list of full customers
informations (depending on the numbers of customers, 2400 to 12000
customers on the same page)
- without pgpool : 5-10s

Pgpool *should* be faster, but it isn't.

> --
> Guillaume
>  http://blog.guillaume.lelarge.info
>  http://www.dalibo.com
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