On Thu, 2011-10-06 at 17:27 +0200, Olivier NOEL wrote:
> 2011/10/6 Guillaume Lelarge <guilla...@lelarge.info>:
> [...]
> >> And it's not. Ok, there is some overhead, but it's veeery slow.
> >>
> >
> > How did you check that?
> >
> > You may be right in a specific setting, but I have no issues getting
> > better performance with pgpool.
> We tested our java webapp with pgpool and without pgpool, same
> servers, we only change the target IP in the JDBC config file in
> Tomcat.

I suppose you don't use a pooling mode in your java app? because they
may interfere.

> We have a small XML processing servlet with informations to insert in
> the databases (streaming replication). We verified that all requests a
> balanced.
> XML sizes varies from 300KB to 3MB.

Not sure what you mean with this. Are your queries this size? What do
you do with the XML? what kind of queries (SELECT, INSERT)?

> Time to process the file completely for a fully functional database :
> - with pgpool : 20-45min (20min for the smaller ones to 45min for the big one)
> - without pgpool : 4-15min

How many users? same PostgreSQL database, and same PostgreSQL user?

> Then we tested browsing in our webapp :
> - with pgpool : 30-45s to display a list of full customers
> informations (depending on the numbers of customers, 2400 to 12000
> customers on the same page)
> - without pgpool : 5-10s

Same questions. How many users try to connect to pgpool? how long last
their sessions? what kind of queries?


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