Hi Gnanam,

I assume your not ending your transactions with commit or rollback. When using a connection pooler your connection is reused for next request. So if one request does something that initiates an implizit BEGIN (like an UPDATE/INSERT) without a COMMIT or ROLLBACK this connection remains in IDLE IN TRANSACTION mode. Please ensure that you invoke a COMMIT after each successful request or ROLLBACK after failed or control these inside your application. I'm not familiar with pgpool but check if you can configure your pooler for this behaviour


Am 03.05.2012 12:18, schrieb Gnanakumar:

Recently, in our Production server, we found a "single query" being held up
in "<IDLE>  in transaction" for more than 19 hours using the following query:
select date_trunc('second', current_timestamp - query_start) as runtime,
datname as database_name, current_query from pg_stat_activity where
current_query != '<IDLE>' order by 1 desc

but we're clueless which was the root cause of this issue and still hunting.
As we know, query output doesn't show up the actual query/statement.

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