On 03/01/2018 02:08 PM, marcelo wrote:

On 01/03/2018 16:42 , Ron Johnson wrote:
On 03/01/2018 01:11 PM, marcelo wrote:

On 01/03/2018 16:00 , Ron Johnson wrote:
If your only unique index is a synthetic key, then you can insert the same "business data" multiple times with different synthetic keys.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.
IMHO, business logic can and must preclude "garbage insertion". Except you are inserting data directly to database using SQL, any n-tier architecture will be checking data validity.

Any n-tier architecture that's bug-free.

Do you know about unit testing?

Way Back When Dinosaurs Still Roamed The Earth and I first learned the trade, the focus was on proper design instead of throwing crud against the wall and hoping tests caught any bugs.  Because, of course, unit tests are only as good as you imagination in devising tests.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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