Adam writes:

>   efamroot@kat efam=# explain select chunk_id, chunk_seq, ctid, xmin, xmax, 
> length(chunk_data) from pg_toast.pg_toast_10919630 where chunk_id = 
> 1698936148 order by 1,2;
>                                        QUERY PLAN                             
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Sort  (cost=96465280.57..96470619.75 rows=2135674 width=54)
>      Sort Key: chunk_seq
>      ->  Seq Scan on pg_toast_10919630  (cost=0.00..96240754.39 rows=2135674 
> width=54)
>            Filter: (chunk_id = 1698936148::oid)
>   (4 rows)
>   efamroot@kat efam=# select chunk_id, chunk_seq, ctid, xmin, xmax, 
> length(chunk_data) from pg_toast.pg_toast_10919630 where chunk_id = 
> 1698936148 order by 1,2;
>   [... still waiting for the result, I will return with what it said
>        when the server does ...]

It did eventually finish, with the same result:

  efamroot@kat efam=# select chunk_id, chunk_seq, ctid, xmin, xmax, 
length(chunk_data) from pg_toast.pg_toast_10919630 where chunk_id = 1698936148 
order by 1,2;
    chunk_id  | chunk_seq |     ctid     |    xmin    | xmax | length 
   1698936148 |         0 | (52888694,2) | 1511390221 |    0 |   1996
   1698936148 |         1 | (52888694,4) | 1511390221 |    0 |   1148
  (2 rows)

  Best regards,


 "No more than that, but very powerful all the                Adam Sjøgren
  same; simple things are good."              

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