
Our application don't write lot of data, so i don't think the time taken on
replaying the WAL will be an issue for us.

For reliability, as you said, i was thinking in running a large pgbench
which writes a lot of data, while taking snapshots.
Then my idea was to restart from snapshots and see if everything works as
I thought that based on the feedback from the community, maybe i wouldn't
need to run these tests.

Thank you.


*Ghislain Rouvignac*

Email :

Bureau : + 33 (0)5 63 53 08 18

7, rue Marcel Dassault

ZA de la Mouline

81990 Cambon d’Albi


Le dim. 28 oct. 2018 à 16:35, Stephen Frost <> a écrit :

> Greetings,
> * Ghislain ROUVIGNAC ( wrote:
> > Portworx says that on a running PostgreSQL it can:
> >
> >    - replicate volumes for failover
> >    - take snapshots of volumes
> >    - backup volumes
> The downside with any snapshot-style approach is that it means that when
> you have a failure, you have to go through and replay all the WAL since
> the last checkpoint, which is single-threaded and can take a large
> amount of time.
> This is why PostgreSQL has streaming replication, where we are
> constantly sending WAL to the replica and replaying it immediately, and
> that also allows us to have synchronous replication that is quorum based
> and works with PostgreSQL, unlike what a snapshot level system would
> provide.
> When doing your testing, I'd strongly recommend that you have a large
> max_wal_size, run a large pgbench which writes a lot of data, and see
> how long a failover takes with this system.
> > Does someone use them in production ?
> > How reliable are these features ?
> > Are there performance impacts of snapshots ?
> I don't know anything about the actual utilization of this in production
> or if this implementation is reliable, just to be clear.  My comments
> specifically are about the performance of using a snapshot-based
> approach (which could be this solution or various other ones).
> Thanks!
> Stephen

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