
Thank you. In this result, regular and overtime columns contain running totals.

How to fix this so that those columns contain just hours for each job?

sum on regular column should not be greater than 120 per person.

sum of regular and overtime  columns must be same as sum of hours column in hours table for every person.


13.02.2022 14:46 Torsten Förtsch kirjutas:
something like

     , least(sum(hours) OVER w, 120) AS regular
     , greatest(sum(hours) OVER w - 120, 0) AS overtime
  FROM hours

 job_id | person | hours | regular | overtime
      2 | bill   |    10 |      10 |        0
      5 | bill   |    40 |      50 |        0
      8 | bill   |    10 |      60 |        0
     10 | bill   |    70 |     120 |       10
     11 | bill   |    30 |     120 |       40
     13 | bill   |    40 |     120 |       80
     15 | bill   |    10 |     120 |       90
      4 | hugo   |    70 |      70 |        0
      7 | hugo   |   130 |     120 |       80
      1 | john   |    10 |      10 |        0
      3 | john   |    50 |      60 |        0
      6 | john   |    30 |      90 |        0
      9 | john   |    50 |     120 |       20
     12 | john   |    30 |     120 |       50
     14 | john   |    50 |     120 |      100

On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 12:47 PM Andrus <kobrule...@hot.ee> wrote:


    Hours table contains working hours for jobs:

        create table hours (
        jobid integer primary key, -- job done, unique for person
        personid char(10) not null, -- person who did job
        hours numeric(5,2) not null -- hours worked for job

    Hours more than 120 are overtime hours.

    How to split regular and overtime hours into different columns
    using running total by job id and partition by person id?

    For example, if John did 3 jobs 1, 2,3 with 90, 50 and 40 hours
    (total 180 hours) for each job correspondingly, result table
    should be:

        personid    jobid  normal_hours   overtime_hours
        john            1         90               0
        john            2         30              20
        john            3          0              40

    sum on normal_hours column should not be greater than 120 per person.

    sum of normal_hours and overtime_hours columns must be same as sum
    of hours column in hours table for every person.

    Note that since hours running total becomes greater than 120 in
    job 2, job 2 hours should appear in both hours columns.

    Maybe window functions can used.


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