On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 6:49 PM B M <bmmasp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> After greeting,
> I taught PostgreSQL myself and developed a small scale experimental
> software system using PostgreSQL in the back-end.
> I would like to know your advices to develop a large scale reliable
> software system using PostgreSQL in the back-end, through which i can share
> the storage with the different system users where they login to the system
> through the web application front-end with different passwords and
> usernames , save the privacy of each user data, improve overall system
> security and performance, achieve fast response, make backups and save the
> stored data from loss. The system will be hosted on a cloud.
> Thank you in advance.

* your sql is code, and treat it as such, check it into git etc
* robust deployment strategy is essential to scaling team
* write a lot of tests
* become intimate with pg_stat_statements
* keep your transactions as short as possible while preserving safety
* avoid developers who advocate for keeping business logic out of the
database religiously (controversial)
* try to avoid assumptions that only one technical stack interacts with
your database
* do not waste time making ERDs use a tool that generates them (i like
* test your DR strategy before disaster strikes
* think about security model up front


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