Thanks for all the replies.  As of right now I think I have it narrowed down to 
checkpoints based on the iostat activity I see when the hangs occur as well as 
the checkpoint_timeout defaulting to 5 min.

I've upped checkpoint_warnings to 3600 to confirm but also made a few other 
changes.  I moved the pg_xlog dir to another disk (unfortunately it is the root 
volume) as well as made changes to the bgwriter settings as shown below (taken 
from a post in the pgsql-performance list)

bgwriter_lru_percent = 20.0             # 0-100% of LRU buffers scanned/round 
 bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 200             # 0-1000 buffers max written/round 
 bgwriter_all_percent = 10.0             # 0-100% of all buffers scanned/round 
 bgwriter_all_maxpages = 600             # 0-1000 buffers max written/round 

I won't know until tomorrow if this solves anything but will post back to this 
thread for others who may experience the same problem in the future.

Thanks again,

----- Original Message ----
From: Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2007 11:10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] UPDATES hang every 5 minutes

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, Scott Marlowe wrote:

> Wouldn't that be the other way around, set checkpoint_warning to 1 so
> it triggers every time the checkpoint happens?

The log message appears if the checkpoints happen more frequently than the 
value, so setting to 1 would only trigger a warning if you got a 
checkpoint more than once a second.  Using the max of 3600 will spit out a 
warning every time there's a checkpoint as long as they happen more than 
once per hour, which means in any normal configurations you'll get every 
one of them logged.

> Note you don't have to stop / restart, just reload, and the default
> checkpoint timeout is 5 minutes.

I suggested a couple of other changes as well which is why I suggested 
touching things during a maintenance window, but as you and Tom have 
pointed out you can adjust checkpoint_warning without taking the server 
down.  The fact that the default timeout matches exactly when he's seeing 
the slowdowns, once every five minutes, is almost certainly the smoking 
gun that this is a checkpoint issue, but Marc should confirm that before 
just assuming it's the case.

> Would increasing the checkpoint_timeout and adjusting the bgwriter
> settings help here?

That's why I suggested he give some more configuration info before anyone 
could say how to solve the problem.  For all we know, moving 
checkpoint_timeout upward will just shift the period between pauses to one 
based on checkpoint_segments instead, which might not be a big difference. 
Also, increasing the timeout has the potential to make the spikes even 
longer when they finally do happen.

Engineering the pauses out using the background writer in this sort of 
situation (very frequent updates) can be very hard to do.  There's new 
code coming in 8.3 that addresses this issue head-on, it can be tricky to 
accomplish in the current production releases.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baltimore, MD

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