On Sep 11, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:

I don't think so.  What might work best is to have two pg_hba.conf
files, and link to each one.  so one is pg_hba.conf.lockout and one is
pg_hba.conf.normal, let's say.  lockout is set to only answer to the
postgres user.  Switch the pg_hba.conf files, and do a pg_ctl
stop;pg_ctl start or equivalent (/etc/init.d/postgresql stop / start)
and then do your processing.  switch them back and restart pgsql

Note that if he's not manually killing off each of the client connections only the first restart is necessary (to kill off the child connections) as config reload will take care of pg_hba.conf changes.

Erik Jones, Database Administrator
Engine Yard
Support, Scalability, Reliability
(415) 963-4410 x 260
Location: US/Pacific
IRC: mage2k

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