Hello All,

I am doing some tests with BDR to study the ability of replacing bucardo with BDR.

I experience some DDL locks problem when a function is in a schema, and I try to remove the whole schema.

Node 1:
mydb=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test.nothing() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

mydb=# drop schema test cascade ;
NOTICE:  drop cascades to function test.nothing()

mydb=# \dn
  List of schemas
  Name  |  Owner
 bdr    | postgres
 public | postgres
(2 rows)

Then if I switch to node 2
  List of schemas
  Name  |  Owner
 bdr    | postgres
 public | postgres
 test   | dbadmin
(3 rows)

mydb=# drop schema test cascade ;
ERROR:  database is locked against ddl by another node
HINT: Node (6158090345987221693,1,17189) in the cluster is already performing DDL

After that, I am not able to recover the situation: I tried to restart postgres on both nodes, but nothing work for me. After that, it is not possible anymore to do DDL operations:
- this "blocks" on node 1 (I do CTRL C to cancel the query in psql)
-on node 2, the message above "ERROR: database is locked against ddl by another node" is displayed.
Additionally, I am not able to detach / reattach the node.

One workaround could be to remove first the function on _both_ nodes, then to remove the schema, but what makes me not confident is that I don't know how to recover the situation when such DDL locks operation appear.

-Is it a known bug? If yes should I report it (and where)?
-How to recover such DDL lock problems operation without recreating the database? In other words, what is the proper way to cleanly restart both nodes?
-Is it a well known method to properly detach and attach nodes?

Thanks and Regards,

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