On 11/01/16 19:13, Oleg Bartunov wrote:

Some people don't understand all these issues with she/he, for example, we in Russia are not really concern about this.


I started using 'Gender Appropriate' language long before this PC nonsense started up. Back in those days the word 'he' in instructions included the female gender, which I though was stupid. Back then, and also these days, I see no point in mentioning gender unless it is relevant.

So I use: one, they, their, and them. Which avoids the gender specific problem, and also suggests (as is usually the case) that one or more people are involved.

The problem with he/she is also that it is not totally politically correct either, what about people who are a bit of both, and/or can't decide? Not to mention people with multiple personalities, not always of the same gender (I spent a few years conversing with people in the usenet group alt.sexual.abuse.recovery - long story, but I got into it when I did a project on network traffic). I also did some research when I read an article that said about 10% of children born on an island started life looking like girls, but changed into males at the time of puberty, apparently about 0.5% (depending on precise definitions) of children world wide are born not definitely of any particular gender.


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