# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-02-26 19:01:58 -0400:
> 'k, I just checked all the lists you listed, and you are subscribed to 
> each of them ... are you not receiving messages?

    I'm not receiving messages because I'm subscribed with nomail.
    That's not the problem however. I want to receive the list traffic
    to a different set of addresses, and that stalled ("the request must
    be approved by the moderators"), as well as my attempts to gain
    pgsql-docs-owner@'s and postmaster@'s attention.
    Does anyone read mail for the pgsql-<list>-owner@ and postmaster@
    aliases? Does anyone pay attention to the approval queue?
    Anyway, here's a few snippets from my last year's email
    conversations with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    My subscription requests:

    : Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:17:37 +0200
    : From: Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    : subscribe-set pgsql-docs noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-general noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-hackers noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-performance noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-sql noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-docs nomail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-general nomail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-hackers nomail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-performance nomail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : subscribe-set pgsql-sql nomail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Majordomo replied with the usual batch of CONFIRM messages, one of
    which was:

    : Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 07:17:39 -0300
    : Subject: CA86-08AC-51A7 : CONFIRM from pgsql-general (subscribe)
    : __
    : The following request
    :   "subscribe-set pgsql-general noprefix [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
    : was sent to
    : by Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
    : To accept or reject this request, please do one of the following:
    : 1. If you have web browsing capability, visit
    :    and follow the instructions there.
    : 2. Reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    :    with one of the following two commands in the body of the message:
    :     accept
    :     reject
    :    (The number CA86-08AC-51A7 must be in the Subject header)
    : 3. Reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    :    with one of the following two commands in the body of the message:
    :     accept CA86-08AC-51A7
    :     reject CA86-08AC-51A7
    : Your confirmation is required for the following reason(s):
    :   Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> issued a command
    :   that affects another address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
    : If you do not respond within 4 days, a reminder will be sent.
    : If you do not respond within 7 days, this token will expire,
    : and the request will not be completed.
    : If you would like to communicate with a person,
    : send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    I replied to that with:

    : Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:37:28 +0200
    : From: Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    : Subject: Re: CA86-08AC-51A7 : CONFIRM from pgsql-general (subscribe)
    : accept

    To which majordomo said:

    : Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 07:37:29 -0300
    : To: Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    : Subject: Majordomo results: Re: CA86-08AC-51A7 : CONFIRM from pgsql-
    : >>>> accept
    : ---- The accept command for token CA86-08AC-51A7 succeeded,
    : ---- but further approval is needed.
    : ----
    : ---- Now the request must be approved by the moderators.
    : ---- The results will be mailed to you after this is done.
    : ----
    : ----
    : Valid commands processed: 1
    : 0 succeeded, 1 stalled, and 0 failed.
    : Use the following command:
    :   sessioninfo 12bbdbfc049f53e9c1782cc9c10c6310e23e504f
    : to see technical information about this session.

    And that was the end of the conversation, I'm still waiting for a
    reply to my message to postmaster@ from December, and another one to
    pgsql-docs-owner@ from last August (covering the same problem):

    : Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 00:40:15 +0200
    : From: Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    : Subject: majordomo command processing problems?
    : Hello,
    : I tried to subscribe to pgsql-docs seven days ago:
    : >>>> subscribe pgsql-docs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : ---- The subscribe command did not succeed.
    : ----
    : ---- The request
    : ----   "subscribe pgsql-docs [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
    : ---- must be confirmed by
    : ----   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    : ---- and approved by the moderators.  Confirmation instructions have been
    : ---- mailed in a separate message.
    : And then:
    : >>>> accept 9E0C-7AF7-36CA
    : ---- The accept command for token 9E0C-7AF7-36CA succeeded,
    : ---- but further approval is needed.
    : ----
    : ---- Now the request must be approved by the moderators.
    : ---- The results will be mailed to you after this is done.
    : Can you please expedite the approval a bit? (Do you really approve all
    : subscriptions by hand, or was my subscription attempt somehow
    : "suspicious"?)

    Is this a bug in majordomo, or in the postgresql.org setup?

    Similarly, should I expect my possible future emails to the owner
    and postmaster aliases to generate zero replies as well?

> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> ># [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-02-26 14:36:47 -0400:
> >>On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> >>>I've been waiting five months for the majordomo moderators to approve
> >>>my subscription requests to several @postgresql.org mailing lists.
> >>
> >>the majordomo moderators don't have to approve subscribe requests, you
> >>will auto-receive an email message from the list confirming that you do
> >>want to subscribe though ... its a fairly automated procedure ... if you
> >>aren't receiving the 'confirm' messages, then there is an overall problem
> >>with mail deliver ...
> >>
> >>checking pgsql-general, you are already subscribed ... what other lists
> >>are you trying to get onto?
> >
> >   A copy of the message I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] last
> >   december is attached. I think it has all the evidence of approval
> >   being required you need.

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.             http://bash.org/?255991

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