On Dec 2, 2017, at 6:04 PM, Tomas Vondra wrote:

> On 12/01/2017 10:52 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
>> On 2017-12-01 16:14:58 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
>>> Honestly, if we can give everybody a 4% space reduction by
>>> switching to lz4, I think that's totally worth doing -- but let's
>>> not make people choose it, let's make it the default going forward,
>>> and keep pglz support around so we don't break pg_upgrade
>>> compatibility (and so people can continue to choose it if for some
>>> reason it works better in their use case). That kind of improvement
>>> is nothing special in a specific workload, but TOAST is a pretty
>>> general-purpose mechanism. I have become, through a few bitter
>>> experiences, a strong believer in the value of trying to reduce our
>>> on-disk footprint, and knocking 4% off the size of every TOAST
>>> table in the world does not sound worthless to me -- even though
>>> context-aware compression can doubtless do a lot better.
>> +1. It's also a lot faster, and I've seen way way to many workloads
>> with 50%+ time spent in pglz.
> TBH the 4% figure is something I mostly made up (I'm fake news!). On the
> mailing list archive (which I believe is pretty compressible) I observed
> something like 2.5% size reduction with lz4 compared to pglz, at least
> with the compression levels I've used ...
> Other algorithms (e.g. zstd) got significantly better compression (25%)
> compared to pglz, but in exchange for longer compression. I'm sure we
> could lower compression level to make it faster, but that will of course
> hurt the compression ratio.
> I don't think switching to a different compression algorithm is a way
> forward - it was proposed and explored repeatedly in the past, and every
> time it failed for a number of reasons, most of which are still valid.
> Firstly, it's going to be quite hard (or perhaps impossible) to find an
> algorithm that is "universally better" than pglz. Some algorithms do
> work better for text documents, some for binary blobs, etc. I don't
> think there's a win-win option.
> Sure, there are workloads where pglz performs poorly (I've seen such
> cases too), but IMHO that's more an argument for the custom compression
> method approach. pglz gives you good default compression in most cases,
> and you can change it for columns where it matters, and where a
> different space/time trade-off makes sense.
> Secondly, all the previous attempts ran into some legal issues, i.e.
> licensing and/or patents. Maybe the situation changed since then (no
> idea, haven't looked into that), but in the past the "pluggable"
> approach was proposed as a way to address this.

May be it will be interesting for you to see the following results of applying 
page-level compression (CFS in PgPro-EE) to pgbench data:

Size (Gb)
Time (sec)
vanilla postgres
zlib (default level)
zlib (best speed)
postgres internal lz
snappy (google)
lzfse (apple)
zstd (facebook)

All algorithms (except zlib) were used with best-speed option: using better 
compression level usually has not so large impact on compression ratio (<30%), 
but can significantly increase time (several times).
Certainly pgbench isnot the best candidate for testing compression algorithms: 
it generates a lot of artificial and redundant data.
But we measured it also on real customers data and still zstd seems to be the 
best compression methods: provides good compression with smallest CPU overhead.

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