(2018/02/02 19:33), Etsuro Fujita wrote:
(2018/01/25 23:33), Stephen Frost wrote:
I'm afraid a good bit of this patch is now failing to apply. I don't
have much else to say except to echo the performance concern that Amit
Langote raised about expanding the inheritence tree twice.

To address that concern, I'm thinking to redesign the patch so that it
wouldn't expand the tree at planning time anymore. I don't have any
clear solution for that yet, but what I have in mind now is to add new
FDW APIs to the executor, instead, so that the FDW could 1) create stuff
such as a query for remote INSERT as PlanForeignModify and 2)
initialize/end the remote INSERT operation as BeginForeignModify and
EndForeignModify, somewhere in the executor. (For #1, I'm thinking to
add an API for that to ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting or
ExecInitPartitionResultRelInfo proposed by the patch by Amit Langote
[1].) Anyway, I'll work on this after reviewing that patch, so I'll mark
this as Returned with feedback.

CORRECTION: I'm planning to submit a new version to the March CF, so I set the status to "Moved to next CF".

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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