On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 8:52 PM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:

> On February 22, 2018 11:44:17 AM PST, Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net>
> wrote:
> >On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de>
> >wrote:
> >In this particular case that would at least phase 1 simplify it because
> >we'd only need one process instead of worker/launcher. However, if we'd
> >ever want to parallellize it -- or any other process of the style, like
> >autovacuum -- you'd still need a launcher+worker combo. So making that
> >particular scenario simpler might be worthwhile on it's own.
> Why is that needed? You can just start two bgworkers and process a list of
> items stored in shared memory. Or even just check, I assume there'd be a
> catalog flag somewhere, whether a database / table / object of granularity
> has already been processed and use locking to prevent concurrent access.

You could do that, but then you've moving the complexity to managing that
list in shared memory instead. I'm not  sure that's any easier... And
certainly adding a catalog flag for a usecase like this one is not making
it easier.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/ <http://www.hagander.net/>
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/ <http://www.redpill-linpro.com/>

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