Hi Dave,
I am willing to use React to re-create the front-end application. Since I plan 
to use separate front-end and back-end development methods, this means that 
there will be no html files in Django applications. Front-end and back-end 
applications will interact via restful api. I will use react to rewrite some 
existing html files if needed. Before initializing the react application, I 
want to learn more about your tendency toward front-end technology.

 - About React: Which version of React (15.x or 16) and react-router (2.x or 4) 
do you tend to use?
 - About Package Manager: Do you tend to use yarn or npm?
 - About the UI library: I guess you might prefer Bootstrap or Material-UI.

At the same time I hope you can help me understand the functional requirements 
of this project more clearly. Here are some of my thoughts on PerfFarm:

 - I see this comment in the client folder (In line 15 of the "pgperffarm \ 
client \ benchmarks \ pgbench.py" file):
# TODO allow running custom scripts, not just the default
Will PerfFarm have many test items so that the test item search function or 
even the test item sort function is expected to be provided?
 - What value will be used to determine if a machine's performance is improving 
or declining?
 - After the user logs in to the site, I think it may be necessary to provide a 
page for the user to browse or manage his own machine. Is there any function 
that requires users to log in before they can use it?
 - When I registered a machine on BuildFarm, I did not receive the confirmation 
email immediately but several days later. In PerfFarm, when a user registers a 
machine, will the administrator review it before sending a confirmation email?
 - I see BuildFarm assigning an animal name to each registered machine. Will 
PerfFarm also have this interesting feature?

My postgresql.org community account is:
 - Username: maleicacid
 - Email: cs_maleica...@163.com

I hope to get the commit permission of the pgperffarm.git repository. I am 
willing to continue coding and complete the project on the existing 
code.Looking forward to your reply.

Best Regards,
Hongyuan Ma (cs_maleica...@163.com)

At 2018-03-13 03:03:08, "Dave Page" <dp...@pgadmin.org> wrote:


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:57 AM, Hongyuan Ma <cs_maleica...@163.com> wrote:

Hi Dave,
Thank you for your reminder. This is indeed my negligence.
In fact, I have browsed the code in the pgperffarm.git repository, including 
the client folder and the web folder. However, I found that the web folder has 
some unfinished html files and does not contain model class files. And the 
project used Django 1.8 without importing the Django REST Framework (When I 
talked to Mark about the PerfFarm project, he told me he insisted on using 
Django 1.11 and considered using the REST framework). So I mistakenly thought 
that the code in the web folder had been shelved.

Nope, not at all. It just wasn't updated to meet the latest PG infrastructure 
requirements yet (basically just the update to Django 11). The rest should be 
fine as-is.

In the newly initialized Django application, I upgraded its version and 
assigned the directory to make the project structure clearer. I want to use a 
separate front-end development approach (The front-end applications will use 
vue.js for programming.). I hope you can allow me to use it instead of the old 
one. I am willing to integrate the auth module into this new application as 
soon as possible.

I would much prefer to see jQuery + React, purely because there are likely more 
PostgreSQL developers (particularly from the pgAdmin team) that know those 
technologies. It is important to consider long term maintenance as well as ease 
of initial development with any project.


Hongyuan Ma (cs_maleica...@163.com) 

在 2018-03-12 02:26:43,"Dave Page" <dp...@pgadmin.org> 写道:

Maybe I’m missing something (I’ve been offline a lot recently for unavoidable 
reasons), but the perf farm project already has a Django backend initialised 
and configured to work with community auth, on community infrastructure.


On Sunday, March 11, 2018, Hongyuan Ma <cs_maleica...@163.com> wrote:

Hello, mark
I initialized a Django project and imported the Django REST Framework. Its 
github address is: https://github.com/PGPerfFarm/server-code
I created some model classes and also wrote scripts in the dbtools folder to 
import simulation data for development. I am hesitant to use admin or xadmin as 
the administrator's backend for the site (I prefer to use xadmin).

I also initialized the website's front-end application. Here is its address: 
I wrote the header component as shown:

I hope this effect can enhance the future user experience:).
This application uses vue.js and element-ui, but if you insist on using other 
js libraries or not using js, please let me know. I will empty this project and 
then rewrite it as you wish.

My next step is to determine the necessary api interface and the corresponding 
components of the front-end application. Then implement them one by one.
Finally, as you can see, I created an organization named PGPerfFarm on github 
without permission. I sent you an invitation letter, and after you join, I am 
willing to hand over the administrator of the organization to you.

Hongyuan Ma (cs_maleica...@163.com) 


Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company



Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EnterpriseDB UK: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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