> On 14 Mar 2018, at 19:14, Mark Wong <m...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some additional comments to a couple areas...
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 05:33:00PM -0400, Dave Page wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:31 PM, Hongyuan Ma <cs_maleica...@163.com> wrote:
>>> At the same time I hope you can help me understand the functional
>>> requirements of this project more clearly. Here are some of my thoughts
>>> on PerfFarm:
>>> - I see this comment in the client folder (In line 15 of the "pgperffarm
>>> \ client \ benchmarks \ pgbench.py" file):
>>> '''
>>> # TODO allow running custom scripts, not just the default
>>> '''
>>> Will PerfFarm have many test items so that the test item search function
>>> or even the test item sort function is expected to be provided?
>> I don't know - Tomas or Mark are probably the best folks to ask about that.
>> I spent some time on the initial web app work, but then ran out of spare
>> cycles.
> Yes, there is potential for the number of tests to change over time.
> (Maybe a test is less relevant, maybe there is a more useful test down
> he road.)
> I'm haven't thought too much about sorting and searching functions.  But
> right now there is just pgbench with 6 basic configurations: read/write,
> read-only, and a low, medium, and high data set size for each of those.
>>> - What value will be used to determine if a machine's performance is
>>> improving or declining?
>> Good question - I think that needs discussion, as it's not necessarily
>> clear-cut when you think that performance may vary at different numbers of
>> clients.
> My thought here is that each test should provide a single metric,
> defined by the test itself, so expect this to be define in the test
> results sent to the web site.
> I do expect that off of the test results should be archived somehow and
> retrievable.  But the idea I have is to have a generic high level view
> that all of the different tests can share.
>>> - I see BuildFarm assigning an animal name to each registered machine. Will
>>> PerfFarm also have this interesting feature?
>> It was going to, but I forget what we decided on for a naming scheme!
>> Another discussion item I think - in the code, we can just use "Name" or
>> similar.
> Since the buildfarm is composed of animals, I thought plants would be a
> complimentary scheme?  I'm also not sure if this was discussed
> previously...

For some reason I was thinking fish!

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