Le 14/10/2021 à 20:43, Tom Lane a écrit :
Re-reading that, I realize I probably left way too much unstated,
so let me spell it out.

Should this feature affect
        SELECT * FROM my_table t;
?  Yes, absolutely.

How about
        SELECT t.* FROM my_table t;
?  Yup, one would think so.

Now how about
        SELECT row_to_json(t.*) FROM my_table t;
?  All of a sudden, I'm a lot less sure --- not least because we *can't*
simply omit some columns, without the composite datum suddenly not being
of the table's rowtype anymore, which could have unexpected effects on
query semantics.  In particular, if we have a user-defined function
that's defined to accept composite type my_table, I don't think we can
suppress columns in
        SELECT myfunction(t.*) FROM my_table t;

And don't forget that these can also be spelled like
        SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM my_table t;
without any star visible anywhere.

So the more I think about this, the squishier it gets.  I'm now sharing
the fears expressed upthread about whether it's even possible to define
this in a way that won't have a lot of gotchas.

                        regards, tom lane

You mean this ? :-)

gilles=# CREATE TABLE htest0 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b text NOT NULL HIDDEN);
gilles=# INSERT INTO htest0 (a, b) VALUES (1, 'htest0 one');
gilles=# INSERT INTO htest0 (a, b) VALUES (2, 'htest0 two');

gilles=# SELECT * FROM htest0 t;
(2 rows)

gilles=# SELECT t.* FROM htest0 t;
(2 rows)

gilles=# SELECT row_to_json(t.*) FROM htest0 t;
 {"a":1,"b":"htest0 one"}
 {"a":2,"b":"htest0 two"}
(2 rows)

gilles=# SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM htest0 t;
 {"a":1,"b":"htest0 one"}
 {"a":2,"b":"htest0 two"}
(2 rows)

You should have a look at the patch, I don't think that the way it is done there could have gotchas.

Gilles Darold

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