On Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 02:17, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> I wrote:
> > So maybe we should revisit the question.  It'd be worth collecting some
> > stats about how much extra space would be needed if we force there
> > to be room for a sentinel.
> Actually, after ingesting more caffeine, the problem with this for aset.c
> is that the only way to add space for a sentinel that didn't fit already
> is to double the space allocation.  That's a little daunting, especially
> remembering how many places deliberately allocate power-of-2-sized
> arrays.

I decided to try and quantify that by logging the size, MAXALIGN(size)
and the power of 2 size during AllocSetAlloc and GenerationAlloc. I
made the pow2_size 0 in GenerationAlloc and in AlloocSetAlloc when
size > allocChunkLimit.

After running make installcheck, grabbing the records out the log and
loading them into Postgres, I see that if we did double the pow2_size
when there's no space for the sentinel byte then we'd go from
allocating a total of 10.2GB all the way to 16.4GB (!) of
non-dedicated block aset.c allocations.

round(sum(pow2_Size)::numeric/1024/1024/1024,3) as pow2_size,
round(sum(case when maxalign_size=pow2_size then pow2_size*2 else
pow2_size end)::numeric/1024/1024/1024,3) as method1,
round(sum(case when maxalign_size=pow2_size then pow2_size+8 else
pow2_size end)::numeric/1024/1024/1024,3) as method2
from memstats
where pow2_size > 0;
 pow2_size | method1 | method2
    10.194 |  16.382 |  10.463

if we did just add on an extra 8 bytes (or or MAXALIGN(size+1) at
least), then that would take the size up to 10.5GB.


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