On 02.09.22 19:16, samay sharma wrote:
Another thing I'd like input on. A common question I've heard from people who've tried out the docs is How do we do the equivalent of X in make with meson. As meson will be new for a bunch of people who are fluent with make, I won't be surprised if this is a common ask. To address that, I was planning to add a page to specify the key things one needs to keep in mind while "migrating" from make to meson and having a translation table of commonly used commands.

I was planning to add it in the meson section, but if we go ahead with the structure proposed above, it doesn't fit it into one as cleanly. Maybe, it still goes in the meson section? Thoughts?

This could go into the wiki.

For example, we have <https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Working_with_Git>, which was added during the CVS->Git transition.

This avoids that we make the PostgreSQL documentation a substitute manual for a third-party product.

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