On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 05:13:44PM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> I disagree that we should put the onus for addressing this on the next
> person who wants to add bits and just willfully use up the last of them
> right now for what strikes me, at least, as a relatively marginal use
> case.  If we had plenty of bits then, sure, let's use a couple of for
> this, but that isn't currently the case.  If you want this feature then
> the onus is on you to do the legwork to make it such that we have plenty
> of bits.

FWIW what I really want is the new predefined roles.  I received feedback
upthread that it might also make sense to give people more fine-grained
control, so I implemented that.  And now you're telling me that I need to
redesign the ACL system.  :)

I'm happy to give that project a try given there is agreement on the
direction and general interest in the patches.  From the previous
discussion, it sounds like we want to first use a distinct set of bits for
each catalog table.  Is that what I should proceed with?

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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