On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 02:53:57PM -0700, Mark Dilger wrote:
> Assuming for the sake of argument that we should create a role something like 
> you propose, can you explain why we should draw the line around just VACUUM 
> and ANALYZE?  I am not arguing for including these other commands, but don't 
> want to regret having drawn the line in the wrong place when later we decide 
> to add more roles like the one you are proposing.

There was some previous discussion around adding a pg_maintenance role that
could perform all of these commands [0].  I didn't intend to draw a line
around VACUUM and ANALYZE.  Those are just the commands I started with.
If/when there are many of these roles, it might make sense to create a
pg_maintenance role that is a member of pg_vacuum_all_tables,
pg_analyze_all_tables, etc.


Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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