
st 7. 9. 2022 v 21:46 odesílatel Daniel Gustafsson <dan...@yesql.se> napsal:

> As noted upthread at some point, I'm not overly excited about the parser in
> filter.c, for maintainability and readability reasons.  So, I've
> reimplemented
> the parser in Flex/Bison in the attached patch, which IMHO provides a
> clear(er)
> picture of the grammar and is more per project standards.  This version of
> the
> patch is your latest version with just the parser replaced (at a reduction
> in
> size as a side benefit).
> All features supported in your latest patch version are present, and it
> passes
> all the tests added by this patch.  It's been an undisclosed amount of
> years
> since I wrote a Bison parser (well, yacc really) from scratch so I don't
> rule
> out having made silly mistakes.  I would very much appreciate review from
> those
> more well versed in this area.
> One thing this patchversion currently lacks is refined error messaging,
> but if
> we feel that this approach is a viable path then that can be tweaked.  The
> function which starts the parser can also be refactored to be shared across
> pg_dump, pg_dumpall and pg_restore but I've kept it simple for now.
> Thoughts?  It would be nice to get this patch across the finishline during
> this
> commitfest.
I have no objections to this, and thank you so you try to move this patch



> Daniel Gustafsson               https://vmware.com/

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